UX UI Case Study

Software as a Service (Saas)

Shade Finder

Improving user experience when it comes to finding the right foundation shade online

Problem Statement

How might we help a user looking to buy a matching foundation shade with her skin tone?

In the Makeup E-Commerce Industry, Foundations are among the top 5 hot selling makeup products and this project was around this only.

Here the Problem was not just partnering with the right vendor for skin or face analyzing technology but keeping the User Experience Simple, easy to use, and yet Visually appealing to our users.

Target Audience

The Target user base were Females living in Metro cities, between 16-30 years of age and we have to devise a gamification based Feature which should also not feel like too much steps to do. It was to be kept very simple and easy to use.

Our Approach

In the 2 weeks timeline, what we did was researching 70% of the time and we came up with pretty neat solutions which upon ideations and iterations, helped us to land on our final UI design.

When working on the solution part, I followed core fundamental laws of UX especially by Jakob and Hicks from which I kept the new feature easy to use, familiar and without too many distractions.

You will see that in ideations, iterations and in the final User Interface.


My Role


1 UX Designer

2 Developers

1 Project Manager

UX Research

UX Design

Adaptation into other platforms

Zeplin handovers

Overall L 2 weeks

Discovery & Research : 1.2 weeks

Design & Testing: 0.8 weeks

Design Process we followed






User Research

User Interview

User Persona

User Journey Map


User Flow

Sketch Wireframes

Visual Design


Check Usability


Define Phase

User Persona

Pooja Rai is 26 years old married lady who works as a wealth manager in a bank located in Mumbai. She lives in a joint family with her husband and her in laws. She is a social being who likes to work, gossip with her ‘girls gang’ as she describes her group of friends. She likes cooking, beauty influencers, and looking after her family when she is not working.

Breif Story

Pooja Rai







Wealth Management



Gurugram, Haryana


Be at-par with her social group

Become succesful influencer

Complete her study and become a professional.



Being Social

Beauty and Makeup


She needs social satisfaction

Wants to grow in her career

Wants to know what’s working and what’s not to achieve her goals


Keep herself up to date with trends, fashion etc

Keep learning new skills and grow in her influencing career

To do what can make her medical professional

Nidhi Bishnoi is a 19 year old single lady who is pursuing medical science in one of the reputed college in New Delhi. She lives in a Nuclear family with her elder brother, dad and mom. She is a social being who likes to chit chat with her college friends, go on trips or night out with them. She likes making beauty related content and wanabee a social media superstar.

Breif Story

Nidhi Bishnoi







Medical Science


Content Creator



To purchase trusted beauty products that align with her professional and personal standards

To find value-for-money deals that fit her monthly budget


Gets irritated by poorly designed apps with unnecessary steps

Finds it frustrating when combo deals don’t offer genuine savings


Detailed breakdown of product pricing and savings in combo deals

User-friendly navigation, especially on desktop during work hours

Assurance of quality and positive reviews from real users


Seeks satisfaction in making well-informed purchase decisions

Enjoys saving time and money while shopping for trusted brands

Feels confident using products that have been recommended by peers or professionals

User Flow Simplified

Initial Sketched Ideations

I began the design process with low-fidelity sketches and wireframes to accelerate decision-making through visualization without losing time. My sketches were based on the market study, the feature goal, and the heuristic evaluation. They each pointed to the fact that there were few distractions in the flow. I came back to the sketches throughout the entire design process to make sure that i don’t lose sight of our primary goals and ideas.

The Main Purpose of rough sketching is to see the ideas at least take some form and it eases the brainstorming process to me.

Apart from the core feature screen, I also drew how the user will reach it from the very initial nudge point.

These sketches are few of the rough doodles I did to know what it will take a user to reach from point A to point B without hassle.

I was trying to include only one primary CTAs to not give user too much distractions to drop off.

These Sketches helped me move forward to Lowfi and Wireframes.

High-Fidelity Wireframing

Using Figma, I translated my first sketches into low-fidelity wireframes. At this stage, the wireframes were defined enough for some user testing. Based on few quick tests, I’ve made a few alternations and moved on to creating high-fidelity Wireframes. Then, I improved them in High fidelity by adding a few relevant stock images and copies provided by the marketing team.

During the process of Wireframing my rough sketches, I noticed initially I ideated two separate screens for results and recommended products, but when working on these wireframes, I realised that I can eliminate unnecessary step and can make both screens into one for better user experience.

I used Figma primarily for Wireframing and Prototyping.

Visual Design

Once the usability issues were resolved, I moved on to design the final screens in Figma. My goal was to create a visually nice yet within the branding of the organisation UI which should speak for itself.

I had to use the Brand colours, fonts already defined by the management and also their product catalogue.

The Final UI design was made and adapted for Mobile Web, Android and iOS platforms.

For Easing the development part, I delivered this whole project into Zeplin adaptations which helps developer and the management to ease the production cycle.

I learned few more elements were added and removed when we were doing final testing and the screen which you're seeing on right is the final UI version of the Shade Finder Feature Result Page.